Links - for information and fun...
A page to gather our choir's links together in one place. Any suggestions from members will, as always, be most welcome - it would be nice for the page to grow without becoming overwhelming. Please note that most of these links will take you to external web sites.

Rehearsing - some 'crib' sites to help learn your part.
See also details of CD Offers at Book Stop
- Choralia - excellent resource. Comprehensive, responsive and free. With thanks to John Hughes and Anthony Godfrey for the recommendation.
- The Cyberbass Project - can be a bit awkward to use. Downloads will be charged for, but it is free to listen to online. Plus it has an enormous range of excellent quality midi files.
- ChoraLine - a premier resource, but they do charge for downloads.
John Fletcher's Music Site - Listen to your part in a variety of formats. You may need to register.
Also, JohnF's Rehearsal Files are an excellent resource, but will require a subscription to download files. With thanks to John Hughes.

Events and Interest...
- Internet radio. For a couple of pleasing alternatives to BBC Radio 3, try from Minnesota (currently featuring Voces8's 'Equinox'), and Classical KingFM from Seattle. You can listen to them directly from their websites, or via the Eter app on your phone/tablet.
- Plymouth Music Accord is a Registered Charity supporting the appreciation and performance of music around Plymouth for the benefit of all and the young in particular. Great for finding out what's on locally in the music world.
- Eric Whitacre's TED Talk - An unforgettable 15 minutes, if you haven't already seen it.

Other Local Choirs...
- Tavistock Tapestry Choir - a vibrant and much loved mixed choir which "...welcomes everybody who wants to sing irrespective of ability or experience."
- The Chagford Singers - who "...aim to make singing fun whilst taking our music seriously."